


芬兰长期致力于为其公民提供高价值的医疗服务——这甚至是芬兰宪法的一部分。其结果是,该国家一直被列为世界上最幸福的国家   ,医疗是其中的关键组成部分。



这篇思想领导力文章是与WHO执行委员会成员和芬兰外交部健康与福利专题大使Dr. Päivi Sillanaukee共同撰写的,是西门子医疗洞见系列的一部分。它提供了关于“转化医疗服务体系”的实用解决方案。



  • 建立明确的责任线:在正确的时间、正确的地点提供正确的医疗服务
  • 综合医疗服务:让患者公平地获得医疗服务
  • 专业医疗服务:利用医务人员的技能提供高价值医疗服务
  • 数字化医疗:构建数据驱动的医疗系统
  • 衡量医疗绩效:监测和测量医疗健康成果,以实现积极的患者结局


Päivi Sillanaukee

Päivi Sillanaukee is thematic ambassador for health and wellbeing at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland as part of a pilot program of cross-sectoral cooperation on global issues. She is currently on leave from her position as Director-General of the Department of Safety, Security and Health of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland. Her career has spanned over 20 years in the highest civil servant administrative positions both from government and public sector and she has worked to promote public health, social protection, and gender equality in the European Union and at global levels.

She has represented Finland in the WHO Executive Board since May 2018 and served as its first and third Vice Chair from May 2018 to May 2020. She is the co-chair of the Alliance for Health Security Cooperation (AHSC), a member of the Steering Group of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) and a member of Health Advisory Board of the UN Technology Innovation Lab (UNTIL) Finland.  

Christoph Zindel, Päivi Sillanaukee

In our new episode with Managing board member Christoph Zindel, Päivi Sillanaukee, MD, Director General at the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, explains how the healthcare model in Finland operates, what kind of infrastructure it requires and how this actually encouraged digital innovation from its inception. 

Listen to the podcast here.

For more Insights, please visit siemens-healthineers/insights-series.

Printed insights papers on a desk.
